Sunday, November 30, 2014

Carol commented on Groups 2 and 3
Darcey commented on Groups 2 and 3.

November Monthly Summary
Carol Freemen

The month of November proved to be much smoother than October in regards to building on and nearing completion of our group project. With our group of two we were able to finish strong. I have a much clearer insight in researching and designing a program. Which says a lot considering my undergraduate degree is in Communication Arts, not Education, so I literally had no preconceived ideas of what designing a program entailed.

I think one of the highlights for this month was the results or our project evaluations. Developing a healthy living course definitely had us stepping into uncharted territory but the result was well received. Our evaluators were from two different educational fields as well as different parts of the state. However both gave us honest feedback that we were able to build on and reassured us that it was a very doable program. I really felt good about that.

This month, like the previous, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my group partner Darcey. Not only did we share the same interest in Narrative Learning, we also found a way to incorporate both our ideas and techniques into our project. This can be a very hard task to accomplish in an online class as bouncing ideas off one another, in a face-to-face environment is a lot different from an online environment. There was a time or two when we connected via telephone for clarification but for the most part all communication was done through emails.

Monthly Summary - November
Darcey Mitschelen

November is THE month of thankfulness. And that certainly is true for my experience in working with Carol on our program design.

We had learned a lot through the experiences of October. In particular, we learned that individually and as a team, we could accomplish anything that comes our way. This attitude is accented by our dedication and commitment to each other as well as the class.
This month went very smoothly  as we stepped our way through program investigations, design, and evaluation. We quickly had a plan in place and divided the work based on our strengths.  We managed minor bumps through continual communication, mainly through emails. This enabled us to stay focused and on target while navigating the various assignment requirements. We were deeply rewarded by very positive evaluations from two experienced educators. This made all the trials of October worth the energy and emotion. And watching it all come together on our website, , was indeed very satisfying,
The strength of our relationship allows us to challenge, question, and nudge each other in ways that are positive and supportive. I will always be thankful for Carol and her ability to truly be a partner… and a friend!


  1. I am glad that you all were able to work together on your project. That is awesome. I so agree this is the month to give thanks. My group had it challenges but I am glad that we were able to get things done finally the right way. Enjoy the holidays.

  2. Super excited to see some external verification of all your hard work form your evaluators. That is something to celebrate!

    Finding that working rhythm is often a great challenge, but it is clear in your work that you found it.

    Love the pictures! I also love the reminder of the value of thankfulness.

