Friday, September 26, 2014

MONTHLY SUMMARY- September 2014  

Name: Frances Robinson 

 Group 1 (Narrative Learning):

At the end of this September, a blog was set up for Group 1.  Group 1 has made some progress in preparing to complete the first Group project. As for myself, I had no idea how to blog and the group assisted me on how to blog and directed me on how to publish my assignments on the blog. We have contacted each other by email and have come up with a plan. Some group members have communicated by phone. As a group, we have decided to have each group member share in a task of the project. Group 1 will be looking at both the Narrative and Andragogy. Do a comparison and contrast and identify how each is used in adult education and why.

·         One group member will interview a couple of educators in adult education who utilize the narrative in their class. If possible will video.

·         Second group member will explore/research andragogy and how it benefits adult learners. 

·         Third group member will research /interview a couple of people who utilize the narrative along with identifying possible benefits to adult learners.

·         Group 1 will utilize the information gather in previous literature review posted on blog and identity how our investigations support those main ideas.

·         All group members in Group 1 will submit findings found in order to prepare a rough draft for all in group to review and make suggestions. After review and corrections to draft are complete, a final draft will be prepared and submitted on assignment blackboard and blog.

Group 1 has posted on blog an individual literature review assignments on narrative learning or andragogy.  Each member of the group made comments to Group 1 or other groups.

Adult learning in contemporary society; There has been changes in demographics such as there is more adults than youth, number of older adults is growing, more adult population is educated, the current population is more diverse, racially, ethnically, and culturally. There is more globalization through economy, ecology, society, and politics. An example would be Freight deliveries (decreasing transportation cost), direct investments, music and products.  As for technology many adults utilize internet, phone, radio, and television. Also, the adult learners are utilizing classes more frequently to pursue their education due having to manage other life activities.

Formal Education is highly institutionalized, bureaucratic curriculum driven, and formally recognized with grades, diplomas, or certificates.  It goes from preschool to graduate studies, adult basic education programs that follow with a prescribed curriculum and employ certified teachers. In the past, it was to serve the youth. Currently its mainstream is educating adult learners. An example would be an adult learning attended a university to receive a degree.

Non-formal education is organized learning opportunities outside of formal education. It is short-term, voluntary and few have any prerequisites. Its mainstream non-formal education opportunist are usually local and community based, such as civic and religious organizations.  An example would be attending a Bible study class.

 Self- Directed Learning (Spear Model) It is based on three elements which are the opportunities people find in their own environment, past or new knowledge, and change occurrences. It is also composed of clusters of elements. An example is a person who moves from an apartment to a home. This give the person an opportunity to pursue gardening. They can have some prior knowledge to gardening and a possible friend who also knows about gardening which would be a combination of cluster’s which becomes a self- direct learning project. He also says one cluster does not have relation to next cluster. It can be gain through a set of activities which you assemble cluster’s into a whole. With the amount of clusters assemble the person has knowledge to conclude what is most and least important. This can have a result where you have a trial and error approach, hands on experience, practice, to guide adult learner successes and mistakes as they move to new learning.

 The Embodied or Somatic Learning is learning through the body. Some examples in the reading was panic attack brought out by stress, or being drained and exhausted from an intense encounter.  It goes on to say to the focus on this learning and education is from one’s ignorance to one’s knowledge. I believe the video is a great example of somatic learning. It shows a person giving a story of a man who has a memory of being tied up and seeing ropes. His parents explain to him it was from when he was kidnapped and tied up. Because he was doing massage work which was a physical condition, it brought about this memory.

The somatic is when the individual learns from and listen to information they receive and learn from the interaction of self with the environment. “Somatic or embodied knowing is experiential knowledge that involves senses, perceptions, and mind-body action and reaction. Western culture has been dominated by the separation of cognitive knowledge from embodied knowledge and the distrust of bodily knowing.”

 Spirituality in adult learning in the chapter occurs when there is a space in the learning environment. It’s a space where it is supportive, open, and sacred. Vella (2000) outlines the space as dialogue, respect, and accountability. The dialogue is where one listens to others experiences without judgment (respect). The teacher is accountable for providing a learning environment that supports and challenges the learners. This involves making the best plans possible and to be ready to abandon them. An example would be if grace comes during the time of discussion. It would not come because it was planned. It will be because the conditions was right and some sensitive soul had the wisdom not to thwart it. The spirituality at that time allows it to happen.

Finally, there are many different learning styles an adult learner may utilize during their adult education experience. It depends on how the adult educator creates the learning environment and the adult learners need to want to learn.


  1. Wow, this is pretty ambitious group of folks. I admire your forethought and clear division of labor.So much new stuff to figure out along with just completing the review is a challenge. But it looks like you have made some clear headway and are growing in your roles as a group!

    Thanks for Sharing!

  2. I see your group did a lot of work and each of you completed one monthly summary. Since this is a group work, each of you can write about your own summary, but put all of your own individual summaries together, and then tell us as a group what you have done and what your plans are for the next month.

    Frances, I am glad you summarized the learning theories you have learned!

